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New Feature Spotlight-Getting To Know Your QCC Colleagues

August 2017

At Quinsigamond Community College, getting to know over 1,000 full time faculty, administration and staff can be a bit daunting. That’s a lot of people! So, in order to get to know your coworkers a bit better, each month we will spotlight one or more of your colleagues. However, we can't to do this without your help. We are asking you to send us the answers to several questions listed below, along with a photo of yourself.

Who knows - you may just find a new BFF!

Relevant information on yourself: Tell us something about yourself that you would like to share with the QCC community.This can be anything! Examples include sharing something about your job, your family, a hobby, special book, musical group, or activity you enjoy. We want to know about you! 

Headshot: This can be sent as a jpg or pdf and does not need to be a professional photo.

qcc wyvern mascot 

Any photo of yourself that you prefer works.

Department: (Examples: Administration, Payroll)

Office location: List your room number.

Contact information: List your email and QCC phone number.

Tell us about your role at QCC.

How long have you worked at QCC?

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite T.V. show? 

What was the best book you ever read?

What is your favorite place?

What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your best/favorite "QCC story?"

Quote: Tell us in one sentence why you enjoy QCC. If that stumps you (and we hope it won’t!), feel free to list a special quote instead.

Please send your information to khutner [at]

To kick off our new feature, August’s spotlight will feature an Institutional Communication staff member.

