Do you want to go to college, but aren’t sure how to get there? The Gateway to College program helps students who are behind in credits or disengaged from their high school education. Through our program, you can obtain a high school diploma and earn college credits at the same time. Many of our graduates go on to finish Associate's degrees and transfer to four-year colleges. QCC's Gateway to College is part of a national network that includes 35 programs across 20 states.

What is a Gateway Student?

What are our expectations?
Information Sessions
Information sessions will be held both in-person and remotely through Zoom and all who register by filling out the information session registration form will receive an email with session information. Attendance at an information session is required in order to apply for admission to Gateway to College. Applicants are encouraged to bring a support person, such as a family member or friend.
The Support is Here
Ready for the Challenge?
Gateway is an amazing opportunity, but it requires tremendous effort and commitment. Gateway asks students to move beyond their high school identities and begin a new chapter in their lives. Gateway students are college students who transform into scholars and leaders who fully expect to make a difference in their communities.
What type of student is successful at Gateway to College?
Gateway students have dropped out, or are in danger of dropping out because they are behind in credits. Most of our students left high school with a GPA of 2.0 or less. Promising students who drop out because of unfortunate circumstances do well at Gateway. All applicants should consider the tough work load, extra transportation time, and amount of homework necessary to do well in college.
What support will I get?
You will work closely with a Resource Specialist to choose classes, work on fulfilling high school graduation requirements, and identify and manage issues before they escalate into problems. We will help you find creative solutions to all sorts of challenges (homelessness, daycare, transportation, childcare, family issues, lack of motivation, etc). The KEY component to success is communication: we can't help you if we don't know what's going on.
What is the school day like?
Each student has a different schedule based upon their classes, so the school day is different for everyone. While Gateway students typically spend less time in actual classes than high school students, the amount of work required outside the classroom is MUCH greater. Expect to spend three hours on homework and projects for every one hour you are in class.
What does it cost?
Gateway to College is a scholarship program. The scholarship pays for college tuition and books. Gateway students are expected to pay any other fees associated with their course work and college participation. There may be additional fees if a student earns less than a grade of ‘C’ in any class and has to repeat a college credit-bearing course in order to meet high school diploma requirements.
What about transportation?
Gateway students may receive a Worcester bus pass that is valid for each academic semester. Only one bus pass is distributed per student. If the bus pass is lost or stolen, we do not replace bus passes. If students choose to drive, they must register their car and post a QCC decal in their vehicle. This is available free of charge at the beginning of the semester
What if I am a young parent?
Many of our students have young children, and Gateway's flexible schedule is helpful. However, young parents often feel overwhelmed by the college workload and homework, and need to have contingency plans in place. All applicants, especially young parents who are juggling multiple responsibilities, should consider the tough work load, extra transportation time, and amount of homework necessary to do well in college.
Can a student with an IEP attend Gateway?
Yes, if the student's IEP team determines that the college-based accommodations available through QCC are adequate to meet the student's needs.
Can I stay connected to my high school?
Some Gateway students participate in high school events such as prom and graduation. Some Gateway students even play sports for their high school. Some Gateway students choose to never have contact with their high schools.
Do I need to pass MCAS?
Yes. You need to meet all of your district's graduation requirements, including courses and MCAS.
Can I have a job while I'm in Gateway?
It is very difficult to juggle the demands of college and a job, especially in the first semester. If you need to have a job, work with your Resource Specialist to find a manageable schedule that allows you to juggle your multiple demands. School needs to be your top priority. If you are not successful academically, you will lose your scholarship and will be withdrawn from the program.
How do I apply?
Interested students MUST attend an Information Session at QCC. That begins a process that includes testing, a written application, and an interview. Register online to reserve your spot by clicking the link below. Feel free to contact our main line at 508.854.7587 for more information.
- Attend an information Session: An information session is approximately 60 minutes. Register at the Online Information Session Form.
- English & Math Placement: The English placement level will be determined by the High School grades, essays submitted, and during the final interview step. Math placement will be discussed during the interview.
- Complete the online application: The online application form will be sent to all students AFTER they complete an information session. Students will be asked to submit a copy of their Transcript(s) & MCAS Scores.
- Complete two essays: Students will also complete two essays as part of their application. Details & instructions will be attached with the online application form.
- Meet with Student Accessibility Services (If applicable): Applicants, who have an IEP/504 plan, are required to meet with our Accessibility Services department, BEFORE the deadline. This will ensure that our coordinators can discuss the differences between the accommodations received at the High School level versus the College level. Please contact their office at 508.854.4471, or email
- Complete an Interview with the Gateway Staff: The final step will be to complete an interview with our Gateway Staff. Only students that have completed all the application steps will be able to schedule their interview with us. This will allow us to learn more about you and for us to further discuss expectations of our program.
If you have any further questions, please email We look forward to seeing you at Gateway!
The QCC Gateway to College main goal is to empower disengaged youth to dually earn a high school diploma and college credit in a supportive college environment. The GTC program is very fortunate to have a dedicated staff and faculty members who are assisting your student every day to complete this program and graduate successfully.
Currently, the program scholarship covers the cost of college tuition, fees and textbooks (on loan each semester). But it does not support any other social and community activities which are a vital part of the school experience for young students. We would like to build into our program some activities centered on academic support services, social networking, and skills for success.
Your gift will directly support the Gateway to College program at Quinsigamond Community College efforts to create opportunities for off-track and out-of-school students to reengage with their education, earn their high school diploma, and a start on a pathway to a postsecondary credential.
We want to continue to provide student support and extracurricular activities such as educational field trips and showcase events for our hard working students.
Every donation, no matter the size, will have a direct impact on our program. Furthermore, any donation will be used only for our Gateway to College program.
Please click on the DONATE button below and you will be taken directly to the QCC Foundation page. Here you will need to select Designation - Special Program. Note: Under additional information you must add in the comments section that this donation is for the Gateway to College program.
All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Thank you for your support.
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