QCC offers a Full-Time Pre-Employment Recruit Officer Course (ROC) in an Extended Format; an entry-level training curriculum for new full-time police officers. We are now taking applications for MPTC authorized ROC #5 which starts September 8, 2025.
The Academy is now accepting applications for ROC #5 with a start date of September 8, 2025.
ROC Academy Info Session
Attend an information session to learn more about this intensive program. Info Sessions will start promptly at 5:00 PM. Applicants should arrive early and will meet in Classroom 120S Surprenant Building at 670 West Boylston Street Worcester, MA 01606 Applicants are to park in visitors lots (P1-5).
ROC#5 begins September 8, 2025
Current info sessions:
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday, April 16
How to Apply
The QCC Police Academy process is designed to identify candidates best suited for admission into the Full-Time Pre-Employment Recruit Officer Course (ROC) in an Extended Format. Quinsigamond Community College is an institution of higher learning and must adhere to the strict compliance of the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) mandates, regulations, rules and standards.
All student officers must know what to expect ahead of time and must prepare well in advance of the first day of the academy. The most significant factors in this preparation are: weight control, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Download the MPTC Health and Wellness Fitness Preparation Guide to assist with preparing to attend the police academy.
Human Resource Division's (HRD) Medical Evaluation successfully complete the HRD administered PAT and ability to pass the Entry-Level Fitness Standard:
Minimum Requirements
- Student Officers must be a minimum of twenty-one (21) years old.
- Have a valid Driver’s License.
- Have a valid License to Carry Firearms prior to the firearms segment.
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
- Have not been convicted of; any felony, a misdemeanor with confinement to any jail/house of correction or any drug law violation under M.G.L. ch.94C.
- Background check and CORI/SORI conducted prior to acceptance/beginning the academy.
- Proof of adequate insurance or obtain QCC health insurance and have it remain in effect through the entire academy program.
- Must successfully complete the Massachusetts Human Resource Division’s Physical Ability Test (PAT), medical examinations and HRD exam Pages 1&8 taken within six (6) months of the start of academy (scheduled at a later date, TBD).
- Student Officer must be able to pass the Recruit Academy (ROC) Entry-Level Fitness Standards.
- Student Officers must have all required uniforms and equipment outlined in the MPTC Student Officer Manual for the first day of the Academy (equipment list will be issued during orientation after acceptance).
Legible copies of the following documents are required with submission of this application:
- Student Officer Information Form
- MPTC-authorized Full-Time Police Academy Recruit Officer Course Training Application (signed)
- QCC Training Waiver / Release and Indemnification Agreement (signed)
- CORI/SORI forms (signed) and Background Packet (signed)
- QCC Police Academy Acknowledgement (signed)
- Release of Information Application (signed)
- QCC Photo Release (signed)
- QCC PT Waiver/Physical Form (Completed prior to Entry-Level Fitness)
- Copy of Valid Driver’s License
- Copy of Valid License to Carry Firearms (LTC/FID), if applicable
- Copy of High School Diploma/Equivalent
- Credit History and Score for the past twelve (12) months for credit history report.
- Proof of Current Valid Health/Medical Coverage or QCC Insurance
- Copy of College/University Degree or Transcripts, if applicable
- Three (3) Letters of Recommendation on Character of Student Officer
- A Typed Two (2) Page Personal Statement Indicating Goals in Pursuing a Career in Policing and Intentions for Attending the QCC Full-Time Pre-Employment Recruit Officer Course
- Completed QCC Workforce Registration Form.
- HRD Medical Examination Form PAT
The QCC Police Academy process is designed to identify candidates best suited for admission into the Full-Time Pre-Employment Recruit Officer Course (ROC) in an Extended Format. Quinsigamond Community College is an institution of higher learning and must adhere to the strict compliance of the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) mandates, regulations, rules and standards.

The next academy begins September, 2025 ROC #5. About the ROC schedule:
- Approximately nine (9) months (September through May)
- Monday – Thursday, 4:30-10:30 p.m.
- Every other Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- (3) 40-hour weeks during the day (Monday – Friday) for off-site training
- All applicants must attend an information session, use link on right to register
Times, dates, schedules and fees are subject to change at the discretion of Quinsigamond Community College
MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies
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Sallie Mae Career Training Smart Option Student Loan offers low interest student loans for eligible individuals to attend occupational skills training programs resulting in an industry recognized certificate, license, or credential for occupations that have been identified as high demand or high growth. For more information, visit Sallimae's Student Loan.

Academy Topics
- Community Policing Overview
- Criminal Justice System, Criminal Law, & Constitutional Law
- First Responder/CPR, Fire Safety, and Health and Wellness
- Integrity and Fair and Impartial Policing
- Crisis Intervention & Conflict Resolution
- Sexual harassment & Bias Crimes
- Interviewing, Investigations, & Report Writing
- Dealing with Persons with Autism
- Eyewitness Identification
- Traffic Incident Management System
- Information technology (CJIS/CORI)
- Motor Vehicle Law & Traffic Control
- Police Response to Mental Illness & Emotional Disturbances
- Defensive tactics
- Radar & Lidar
- Legal Updates Juvenile Justice System
- ICAT, ICS 100, NIMS 700
- Domestic Violence, Victimization & Victim Rights
- Crash Investigation & Reporting
- Stress Awareness
- Arrests & Processing Detainees
- Below 100
- Work Zone Safety
- LQBTQ Community
- Violent Extremism Awareness
- Breath Test Familiarization & Standard Field Sobriety Tests
- Applied Patrol Procedures, Drill, & Ceremony
- Resumes & Career Day
- How to become a police officer & the history of policing
Learn More
Reach out to us for for questions, more information, or an information packet. To request the Application Packet, and more information please send an email with your name and address to policeacademy@qcc.mass.edu.
The completed application packet can be mailed to:
Tom Driggs
Police Academy Program Coordinator
Center for Workforce Development & Continuing Ed.
25 Federal St., Worcester, MA 01608