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A Student Perspective

September 2018
  • A house in St. Catherine, Jamaica

Beginning this month, in each edition of the Wyvern Guardian we will feature a student written article, A Student Perspective.This is a way for the QCC community to experience the amazing talent of our students and a perfect way for our students to gain exposure in writing for a broader audience.

Interested in writing an article for the newsletter? Pitch your story idea to Karen Hutner at khutner [at] and maybe you’ll be featured in the next Wyvern newsletter!

This month’s article is from QCC student Reneasia Love. Ms. Love wrote about her trip to Jamaica over the summer. Her article and photos also were featured in the September edition of the Open Door student newspaper. 

My Trip to Jamaica

During summer vacation my sister and I traveled to Jamaica to visit our family. We stayed in our family home in Spanish Town, the capital of St. Catherine and one of the largest parishes in Jamaica. Organic coconut trees, fruits, and vegetables surround our family home. The garden is brimming with beautiful and exotic flowers that fills the area with a wonderful scent.

My family and I traveled to various parts in Jamaica. One town we went to was Ocho Rios, a port town on the north coast of Jamaica that is a well-known tourist area. Aside from the luxurious resorts, cruise ships, and entertainment, Ocho Rios surrounds itself with beautiful rainforests, rivers, and waterfalls. Little Dun's Waterfall is a peaceful getaway from the busy town of Ocho Rios. The waterfall surrounds itself with tropical plants and trees that leaves you in a place of tranquility. 

Visit My Trip to Jamaica for the complete article.
