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Free In-State Community College Has an Uphill Battle

July 2017

Earlier this month President Dr. Luis G. Pedraja was interviewed by Charter TV 3 regarding Senator Michael Moore’s recent Senate bill proposal that would make Massachusetts Community Colleges free for in-state students.

Dr. Pedraja touted the benefits of this type of program and discussed how the bill could help many in the QCC community. In his interview, Dr. Pedraja said this would be an excellent opportunity for working adults, noting the cost of community college may not seem like much for some people, however, for a lot of people it could mean the difference in their ability to pay rent or put food on the table for their children.

He added, “Nowadays about 64 percent of the new jobs and jobs that are going to be opening up are going to require at least some college.”

Dr. Lillian Ortiz, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Student Engagement & Community Connections concurred with Dr. Pedraja.

“Senator Moore’s bill is important to ensure all resident of Massachusetts have access to higher education,” she said. “This will not only allow individuals to improve their ability to support themselves and their families, but it will also strengthen communities on many levels. Businesses will have a strong pool of talented employees to draw upon, allowing them to grow and prosper.”
