QCC is using Navigate360 beginning Fall 2024.  Navigate360 is a mobile app designed to help students.  On this app, you can view your class schedule, be notified of information from QCC, schedule meetings with people and departments at QCC, and complete To-Do's. 

Download the Navigate360 student app on the Apple app store and Google Play. You can also access the desktop version by going to qcc.navigate.eab.com

Attending the workshop is a great way to set yourself up for academic success by previewing what Navigate360 looks like and learn how to use it. Join us for a 15-minute overview of Navigate360 to set yourself up for success this semester!

You will have opportunities to ask questions during this workshop and will earn a digital badge for attending.

Register for event

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email from the Center for Academic Excellence with the Zoom link. If you have any questions, please contact the Online Learning Coaches by emailing OnlineCourseHelp@qcc.mass.edu