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Where can I access Open Educational Resources (OER)?

  1. The Open Professionals Education Network sponsors a search engine that can help you locate OER materials from various web sources and includes tips for using the different websites. It allows searches for videos, images and music, too.
  2. At the OER Commons website, you can browse to locate materials, or, if you prefer, use their topics list.
  3. The Community College Consortium for open educational resources lists open textbooks by discipline.
  4. The Open Course Library "is a collection of shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments... Unless otherwise noted, all materials are shared under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license.OCL courses and materials have undergone testing for accessibility and have been designed using the industry-standard Quality Matters (QM) rubric for assessing the quality of online courses."
  5. Lumen Learning offers courses in Mathematics, Science, Technology, General Education, Developmental Education, Business and Education.
  6., an initiative of Rice University, is a nonprofit organization "committed to improving student access to quality learning materials." Their peer-reviewed free online and low-cost print textbooks include supporting materials.
  7. Saylor Academy is a large, free and open course initiative on the web funded by the Constitution Foundation. It offers more than 300 free college-level, credit courses for transfer to accredited public and private partner institutions. Many of their online materials are creative commons licensed.